Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fun at the Susquehanna

So the upcoming Sunday story is about how people use the Susquehanna River during the summer. So I went out on a Tuesday afternoon to see what I could find...

And I got to play some in the river it was nice and cool compared to the east coast humidity that I will never get use to. It just isn't natural breathing water.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Iron Heritage Days

House visits

I didn't have to go far to get my photo of a mom using facebook, just upstairs. The article was on social websites and how some people are eliminating personal contact for the virtual. Amanda, the mom in the photo, wants to make sure that everyone knows she is not addicted and uses the site to stay intouch with friends and to make plans in the real world.
This family portrait is of a newly widowed mother of 7, ages 7,6,5,4,2,1,7mon., they were fun to shoot and I love the fact I didn't need to use a flash, yeah for big windows and sunny days.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The grossest thing I've seen in a long time

Iron Heritage Parade

All week Danville's has had a festival celebrating the town's history and veterans. This is also the week that Rob is on vacation so I am the only second shift photographer so I got most of the events. Here are a few from the parade.

5 minutes till the rain started luckily they were almost at the end.
The little boy in the yellow is priceless. The reenactor was going after balloons the kid was conserned for his life.

These two were taking their job seriously.

My personal favorite of the crowd and parade. These guys are the United States Army Old Gaurd Fife and Drum Corps, they were impressive.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter

Sadly because of technology this photo did not make it to the copy desk before the deadline and didn't run in the paper today. Everyone had a great time at the movie although we are all a little sleep deprived today. And to Amanda, who hasn't read all the books yet and didn't know Dumbledore died, I know its sad but life will go on...